Play and Explore
in a virtual world

Explore your thoughts and feelings as never before. Enter the virtual version of Star Journey. You'll find a rich world of inspirational gardens, where interactive symbols greet you around every corner. And so much more ...

Play any of the "games of meaning" and experience an insightful personal journey. Self exploration leads to finding answers and insights. You can make decisions, solve problems and explore relationships.

Learn how to use and enjoy Star Journey. Share your experiences with others. Weekly groups are led by the system's author and other teachers. Sessions in Second Life are always free of charge.

Play and Explore
in a virtual world

Explore your thoughts and feelings, amonginspirational gardens, art galleries and star
energies. Discover interactive Symbols
at every turn, each with its special message.

Play "games of meaning," take a personal journey that helps taps intuition and unlock your own potential. Make decisions, solve problems and explore relationships.

Learn all about how to use and enjoy
Star Journey. And, share your experiences
with others! Attend free group sessions during the week.